Wednesday, November 15, 2006


A report from the London School of Economics claims that beautiful people are more likely to have daughters than sons, a phenomenon which is slowly changing the world so that future women will be even more beautiful and men will be even uglier. The researchers claim that attractive parents are 36 percent more likely to have a daughter than a son. They explained that this must be an evolutionary strategy that passes the most beneficial characteristics of parents on to the children. In this case, beauty is a genetic trait with much more positive power for women than for men, thus evolution tends to pass attractiveness on to females. The report went on to claim that children of aggressive, scientific parents tend to be boys, as they can use those traits to outwit competitors when it comes to finding a mate. Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa, the evolutionary psychologist who led this study, concluded that "these may be stereotypes but they are also fact ... we have shown that beautiful parents have more daughters than ugly parents because physical attractiveness is heritable and because daughters benefit from this more than sons." (The Telegraph)

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